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Lone Worker Alarm Cost

Lone Worker Alarm Cost ?

, by Customer Services, 1 min reading time

Lone Worker Alarm Cost

When considering a lone work alarm cost is normally high up on the list of criteria. This is especially true when buying multiple units for all you lone workers. 

As with most electronics older devices will be cheaper and have less features. Newer cutting edge lone worker alarms are more expensive and have upgraded components. 

A classic case is when comparing the V1 lone worker alarm to the V3. 

The V1 lone worker alarm has been in use since 2017, works on 2g only and does not offer fall detection. However if you only require a SOS panic button for lone workers at risk of physical attack this low cost unit may be idea for you. It still offer voice call and text alerts plus GSP location. A very cost effective unit for under £150 ex VAT. Price also includes 12 months SIM card credit. 

The V1 lone worker alarm can be seen here > V1 Lone Worker Alarm

Newer Lone Worker Alarms with more features and updated components are considerably more expensive such as the V3 Man Down Alarm. This lone worker alarm works on the 4g mobile phone network and has a whole host of features. As well as the standard call, text and GSP functions the V3 also offer fall, tilt and no motion sensors & alarms. A waterproof case, charging and battery life also features not available on earlier models of lone worker alarm devices. 

The V1 lone worker alarm can be seen here > V3 Man Down Alarm

Hopefully this explains the reasons behind various lone worker alarm device cost questions. If you want to find out more or need a quote please do not hesitate to contact us. 



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