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Lone Workers Under Threat Of Attack or Abuse

Lone Workers Under Threat Of Attack or Abuse

, by Customer Services, 1 min reading time

Unfortunately, some lone workers face situations where they may be at risk for attack, violence or verbal abuse or threats. 

These lone workers may be interviewing people, visiting clients' homes or assessing a person for help. When personal details are being discussed in a one to one situation, the lone worker must have some way of raising the alarm if they feel at risk of an attack or under duress.   

The Quicksafe V1 is a small discreet lone worker alarm idea for lone workers in one-to-one situations. This lone worker device is simple to use and cost effective. 

Pressing the single SOS button on the centre of the device starts a voice call cycle that ends when the call is connected. Also, the device will send text alerts up to 3 emergency contact numbers. If the user is outdoors or in an area visible to GPS satellites the GPS location of the user is also sent via text message.

The contact number can then choose the appropriate level of escalation to get the required assistance to the lone worker.

The Quicksafe VI can be wrist or lanyard worn. Full product details and pricing can be seen via the links below:



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